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1. The current situation and the proposed concept.
In the world of nature
and people created a huge number of natural and man-made deposits, which have
different combinations of components. The action of natural deposits in the
surrounding habitat basically stable in itself harmful effects almost does not
produce, but the technological deposits as food of processing of natural
deposits have a negative impact on living nature and the existence in the first
place - a man.
The location of the
technogenic waste - habitat - land, water and air. The increase in population
density at the expense increasing fertility and reduce habitat leads to
increased density of epidemics and needs to combat them. There is a natural
replacement of industrial waste area socium that spawned this waste. Diffusion
of toxic substances into the environment at the increased of population density
has the effect of weapons of mass destruction, with a tendency to increase the
damaging effect on the living and to a greater extent not yet born individuals.
How are purchased the
blessings of civilization? From the bowels of is extracted raw materials. Raw
enriched, is processed and converted into an intermediate product (goods), or -
semi-finished ("mature product"). By "mature products" we
mean products that are the result of primary processing of raw materials
(minerals) or Technological waste products for the manufacture of primary
materials for the industrial, municipal and agricultural. For example, to
"mature products" chemical industry can be attributed salts, gases,
acids, alkalis and others. In the process of annual production of billions of
tons of "mature products" humanity produces ten times more waste
products which form technological field.
In an effort to provide
a civilized way of life, we continue to extract fossils to produce "mature
product", produce waste, produce goods production and consumption, produce
At the same time, it
was overlooked a lot of obvious combinations of technological production. New
combinations at their invention have given reason to conclude about the
possibility of "mature products" at lower cost and without the
formation of technogenic waste, transform already started by technological
waste into secondary raw material base, recycle waste production and
consumption without creating new waste.
The authors, on the basis of a sufficiently large of experience in
various industries, found an opportunity to obtaining new technological chains
of a new quality and showed that instead of producing many types of waste, can
to produce useful products.
Given the fact that each position of commodity products is made tens of
millions of tons per year, then it is about macroeconomics and strategic
approach to changing technologies. Small shifts in the market of "mature
products" leads to a fundamental redistribution of market consumption. Production
technology "mature products" chemical industry - a unique new,
energy-saving, waste-free and the cheapest.
This technology:
- Production of
"mature products" (without chlorine electrolysis, alkali, sodium
hypochlorite, chlorine-free fertilizers, manganese of oxide and carbonate ores,
titanium dioxide, alumina, sugar, etc.);
- Waste production
"mature products" (carbon dioxide, pickles, "red" and
"white" sludge, phosphogypsum) - converting them into raw material
conversion specified of production processes apply in the existing industry
separately, but are unable to solve environmental problems. We have offered
them new combinations (our "know-how").
Ideology developed the
concept of "Technology of production of" mature products "is for
a new approach to production, which provides:
- Extraction of the
target component from fossil raw materials supplementing the downstream
processing of waste to produce marketable products;
- Replacement of the
existing technological processes more favorable by reducing power inputs,
consumption of materials, logistics;
- The use of already
existing man-made deposits as a source of raw materials to the surface of the
already extracted raw materials;
- Preservation of rare
and irreplaceable raw materials;
- Cessation of the
production waste and contamination of the environment;
- The elimination of
possibility of occurrence man-made disasters in the chemical, mining,
metallurgy and other industries;
- Additional revenues
from production of goods of associated significantly higher than the income
from the production of the desired product.
This is the position of
commodity products produced tens of millions of tons per year. Even additional
$ 100 per ton in a single country will bring a substantial income from the sale
of additional GDP. Since there is no country that would not have regard to the
proposed technology, the overall macroeconomic effect is difficult to estimate.
Environmental same effect is can not be
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