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Join us.Take part in the Program. method for processing of brines (NMPB).

A new method for processing of brines natural and anthropogenic origin (hereinafter - NMPB). NMPB allow to process deposits of inorganic of salts of alkaline and alkaline earth metals (of chlorides, sulphates, carbonates and phosphates) in mineral fertilizers without creating of production wastes in the form of brines of technogenic origin. NMPB will allow to process deposits by underground dissolution of salts, including and bishofit. NMPB will make it possible created anthropogenic deposits of brines to remake on mineral fertilizers and useful commodity products, you also - to transform waste products into secondary raw material base. NMPB includes a waste-free method of processing sodium chloride in soda ash, which increases the efficiency of transformation of salts and brines doubled, NMPB does not only environmentally, but also economically very feasible. The general concept of NMPB. Environmental impact on environment and energy costs. Competitive environment. Market and its prospects. Ecological and technological assessment of the direction of modernization potassium and magnesium production based on NMPB. Development of baseline data for the design, development of the reactor equipment technological conversion (the process):

……………………. Collection and elaboration baseline data for the design of NMPB as a whole.

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