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5. Recycling phosphogypsum.
Modern husbandry,
medicine, industry, without the use of phosphorus unthinkable.
Is extracted phosphorus
extraction of phosphoric acid from phosphate rock minerals and apatite.
Parallel to produce
technogenic waste - phosphogypsum CaSO4 * 2H2O in the
amount of 4.5-5.0 t per 1 ton of P2O5 (1,45 t H3PO4).
Depending on the place
of origin of raw materials, phosphogypsum may contain harmful impurities
strontium fluoride, uranium and other radioactive elements and heavy, costly
impurities of rare earth elements (REE). Need economically profitable manner
technology for processing any phosphogypsum.
Output expected global
volume of consumption phosphorus (in P2O5) in 2015 is
about 45 million t, hence the production of phosphogypsum - from 225 million.
Tons per year. Besides technical gypsum as a waste product produced and is
released into technological processes ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy,
thermal power plants scrubber.
FIG. 1. Waste Voskresensky chemical plant,
Today in the World of
billions of tons of man-made waste are in the open air and in the mines by
producing a negative impact on the environment.
Around the world for
the disposal of this waste of man-made charge a fee, which increases the cost
of production of phosphoric acid.
Feeble attempts to
combat this technogenic waste in the form of fines and taxes (up to € 30 / t in
The original technology
will allow to receive marketable products from the economic an efficiency of
about $ 200, and in some cases, at presence in the dumps raw of processing of
apatite of
There are positive examples of
processing calcium sulfate obtained as a result flue gas desulfurization in thermal
power plants to give the US fertilizer - ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4.
We propose to strengthen the success
of the resulting increase in the yield significantly.
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