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2. Thematic priorities «Horizon 2020".

Among the thematic priorities, which are funded Program «Horizon 2020" and consistent with the objectives implementation of new technologies without waste Program «ECOPROFIT» are as follows:

* We emphasized thematic priorities, within which now offer the project themes.

** For each priority we have given a short an explanation concerning combine the influence of new technologies on solving problems of thematic priorities.

1. Actions Maria Sklodowska-Curie (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - MCSA) - in the part bringing to the implementation of research and development work of the young generation of scientists and manufacturers.

2. Research Infrastructures (European Research Infrastructures, including e-infrastructures) - in the part implementation of research and design work of professionals in the relevant fields of science and industry.

3. Technology, advanced materials and advanced industrial production - in terms of the creation and implementation of new industrial production technologies.

4. Health, demographic change and well-being - in part the result of the introduction of new technologies and their impact on the health, employment in manufacturing and improvement of their social status.

5. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine research and economics - in the part of the agricultural production of a full range of safe fertilizers and preparations for full-scale cultivation of crops in an amount sufficient for provide complete nutrition of the world population.

6. Secure, clean and efficient energy - in terms of waste recycling consumption supercritical water oxidation of hydrocarbons to obtain a heat, power, energy, raw materials, useful to industry and agriculture.

7. Talented, innovative and safe society - in of attracting new technologies to the introduction of the general public.

8. Small and medium-sized enterprises - as operational researchers, developers and production teams startups implementation and operation of new technologies.

9. Climate and efficient use of resources, including raw materials - as non-waste technologies for processing the raw material base in the "mature product" - the basis of the production of industrial goods existence of society.

10. The European Research Council - as an aid, expanding the base of research to solve essential environmental issues and the existence of society.

11. Future and emerging technologies - as a wide range of promising trends and technological solutions for the creation of non-waste production.

12. Smart, eco-friendly, integrated transport - as the creation of a safe waste-free technologies cost-effective production of materials for the production of transport of the future.

13. Information and communication technologies - as a customer in the public information system monitoring and management of energy resources and raw materials extraction, processing and use, environmental safety, technology and application cadastre anthropogenic resources, waste and technology.

14. Space - in the part of raw materials - metals (aluminum, titanium, magnesium, manganese, ...), precious and rare-earth elements (REE).

15. Public safety, the protection of liberty and security of the citizens of Europe - in terms of creating a new network of inter-sectoral cooperation and marketable, environmentally safe life, harmonious development on the basis of financial and social security community, building a civil society.

16. The Joint Research Centre - in the part of scientists and industrialists association (the owners of processes) into a single project team to create and introduce new technologies, replication of these technologies.

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