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For rapid and ubiquitous deployment of technologies needed "International scientific and technological programs." We have named this program "ECOLOGY - it is profitable."

The Program should combine the owners technological processes for the compilation of these new technological repartitions chains on the basis of Project proposal, substantiating new environmental, economic, quality and feasibility of the task.

We want to gather the best scientists of the world science and owners of embedded technologies (technological processes), which are the basis and an integral part of the new base technological lines.

We want to stop the flow of billions of technogenic waste and to start recycling deposits of technogenic deposits.

We want to stop the destruction of Earth and preserve it for our children.

We want to make humanity's aspirations for provision of work for the benefit of nature and of humanity itself.

We want to bring people to their benefit - to live happily in the world.

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At the start of the document. 

Join us.Take part in the Program.

We would welcome your help in editing English pages on our site.

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