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1. Target financing «Horizon 2020".

The program «Horizon 2020" allocated about $ 31 billion euro at solving social problems of scientific, technical, environmental and social problems in Europe.

Among the above there are such problems as the protection of the environment and climate change.

Funding will be presented including and on the following priorities:

• Secure, clean and efficient energy;

• Environment, climate, resource efficiency and raw materials;

Europe in a changing world - an innovative and intelligent society;

• Secure the society - the protection of freedom and security of Europe and its people;

• Science in society;

• Spreading excellence and increasing participation.

* We emphasized thematic priorities, within which we now offer the Project themes.

The program "ECOLOGY – IT IS PROFITABLE" (hereinafter - «ECOPROFIT») is engaged in the replacement technology of basic industries that will not to manufacture technogenic waste and convert by technological deposits into the secondary raw material base. We believe that this would achieve to overcome the above-mentioned Program "Horizon 2020" problems.

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