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Join us.Take part in the Program. production of soda ash (WFPS).

Global production of soda ash Solvay way more 42 million tons per year. The market value of about $ 250-400 per ton.

Instead of creating a technological waste of 10% CaCl2 in a volume of 10 m3 per tone of soda, it is proposed to work out marketable CaCl2 1.05 tons with an income of more than $ 300 per ton, the elimination of lime production, costs of a coal, of the emissions concerned into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. The general concept of free production of soda ash (hereinafter - WFPS). Environmental impact on environment and energy costs. Competitive environment. Market and its prospects. Environmental, technological and economic evaluation of directions WFPS, new waste-free production methods, inter-sectoral cooperation and integration capabilities in the production of related industries. Development of baseline data for the design and development of reactor equipment of technological conversion (processes) WFPS:

……………….. Collection and elaboration of baseline data for the design of technology WFPS as a whole.

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