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4.2.2. Sci-organizational tasks overall level.

Collection and elaboration of baseline data for a substantiation of the creation of a plan of measures and of a thematic list of project tasks and of the proposed program «ECOPROFIT». The development of regional and a global cadastres of technogenic waste of production and consumptions. Development of a list of technologies and of processes those are subject to replacement into new environmentally sound. Development of schemes cooperation industry: raw materials, fuel, water, gasses - "mature products" of the basic industries - commodities production and consumption. Development of promising schemes cooperation industry: raw materials, fuel, water, gases - "mature products" of the basic industries - commodities production and consumption. The definition and the involvement to the Program «EСOPROFIT» owners and developers of advanced technology of modernization energy, basic industries, agriculture and utilities. Creating of commands on the thematic level  for introduction of the starter packs of project proposals of the Program «ECOPROFIT».

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