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12. Deck the location of the training ship.

Upper deck.

1 - СОШ 37; 2 - wheelhouse; 3 - radio room; 4 - navigational; 5 - accumulator; 6 - radio aggregate; 7 - АСИ; 8 - pantry; 9 - vent; 10 - ПСН-10 м.

The main deck.

1 - compartment; 2 - sailing pantry and skipper; 3 - classroom; 4 - double cabin; 5 - pantry; 6 - accumulator; 7 - room for various purposes; 8 - clothes dryer; 9 - a warning diesel generator; 10 - day; 11 - the aggregate; 12 - an insulator; 13 - single cabin; 14 - single cabin; 15 - captain's cabin; 16 - as chief engineer officer's cabin.

Lower deck.

1 - compartment; 2 - chain box; 3 - rigging pantry; 4 - one quadruple cabins; 5 - pantry; 6 - Galley; 7 - dishwasher; 8 - dining room team; 9 - dining room cadets; 10 - the table; 11 - wardroom; 12 - air conditioning; 13 - the engine room; 14 - quad cabins; 15 - afterpeak.


1 - compartment; 2 - diesel fuel; 3 - waste water; 4 - larders of different purposes; 5 - drying; 6 - dirty laundry; 7 - laundry; 8 - air conditioning; 9 - cloakroom; 10 - sauna; 11 - shower made of; 12 - compilation waste water; 13 - Equipment for waste water treatment; 14 - drinking water; 15 - Household equipment systems; 16 - storeroom of beverages; 17 - a pantry of vegetables; 18 - fat pantry; 19 - pantry meat; 20 - storeroom fish; 21 - pantry dry products; 22 - the engine room; 23 - stern tube compartment; 24 - afterpeak.

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