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26. Proposal to the Government of Ukraine


President of Ukraine

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

On prevention of man-made disaster,

restoring lost and

the creation of new branches of production

based on Kalush-Golinskii

technogenic deposits of brines,

formed by dissolving of the potassium salt.


By 2000, in the industrial area of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine worked the state concern "Oriana", includes a complex chemical plants, Magnesium Works and potash fertilizer plant.

Creating CJSC "Lukor" by separation from "Oriana" of chemical plants and the cessation of deliveries to the chemical production of chlorine magnesium plant entailed irreversible processes destruction of the entire group. Stop production of magnesium metal - raw materials mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, aviation and space industries. Stopping of supplies of magnesium chloride on the magnesium plant contributed stop of one more sector of industrial production - potassium fertilizers. Lack of potassium fertilizer and potassium in agricultural production contributes to a drastic development of vascular and cardiac disorders, increases the costs of the state and of the population on medicine and medicines, contributing to a sharp decrease in of the population health, a decrease possibilities a full military conscription of the male population, and so forth ... Thousands of people lost their jobs, and their families without a livelihood. I grew emigration and birth rate has fallen. - Disappeared city forming production, began the decline and depression of the whole region. Of stopped factories reduced to rubble without metal (sold everything that is possible). On the territory of the former potash of the mine of production remained waste, salt dumps, tailings pond of brines Dombrowski quarry. All objects is poured deposits, the object is converted into continuous zone of ecological disaster. Objects of environmental hazard - is the result of technological solutions of national scientific and technological institutions. Socially a depressive area, macro-economic losses and loss of strategic of destruction sectors of the economy - the result of diversionary subversive activities and corrupt activities of state officials.

From 2002 to 2010 the area of highly concentrated of brines deposits of natural and technogenic origin was funded for monitoring the environmental situation of the region of Dombrowski career and pumping the of brines from the quarry to of the mine waste.

The result of any activity violated the ecological balance in the thickness of rocks-of Kalush Golinskii potash deposit. This led to numerous dips earth's surface over an area mine fields in the city of Kalush, demolition of houses and Communications, saline aquifers in this city, and the villages Kropivnik Ugartsthal Kalush district, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast; development of karst in northern part of the of Dombrowski career of potash ores, landslides and boards Sivka river water seepage into the quarry, which creates the risk of flooding and career hit of brines of potassium salt from it to Limnytsia Rivers and the Dniester River; leakage of brines from the tailings number 2 and of Dombrowski career, which led to the salinization of aquifers in the city of Kalush in the territory more than 900 hectares of saline habitat is rapidly moving in the direction of the river Limnytsia Rivers.

President of Ukraine has issued decree "On declaring city territories of Kalush and sat down and Kropivnik Ugartsthal Kalush district, Ivano-Frankivsk region zone of ecological emergency» № 145/2010 from 10.02.2010.

By Decree are transferred causes and effects of ecological emergency, forecasted threats, offers emergencies measures to address the dangerous situation.

Since 2010 to the present time conducted some of the work on the removal of hexachlorobenzene and strengthening of protective structures. But this is not enough. Precipitation continues to replenish of water objects of technogenic deposits, forming a of highly concentrated brine of about 320 g / l volume of 1-1.5 million. м3 per year. This "bomb" waiting to happen. At any time can happen of brines breakthrough in the Sivka river and Limnytsia Rivers Dniester. This will destroy thousands of square kilometers of floodplain (flora and fauna) from Prikarpattya rivers to the Black Sea, will leave not only of the population part of South West of Ukraine, but also 60% of Moldova's of drinking water.

The problem of mining of extraction and recreation zones, especially of soluble salts exists without exception in all countries engaged in such a production. There are cases of spills of brines and destruction of the environment. We are unaware of the embedded economically beneficial technology that can address the issues of processing of brines of natural and technogenic origin without the formation of production wastes. At the same time, we know for sure about the impossibility of existence of people without health food, which are present in a certain a proportion the nature of salt (including potassium).

There are a number of proposals for conservation of technogenic deposits of Dombrowski career. These proposals are very expensive. In conditions of economic crisis in Ukraine, they are unacceptable. At the same time, the critical situation does not allow to make an informed decision on the prevention of ecological catastrophe of European scale.

Requires problem decisions and accessories Do (order) economic region of technogenic deposits of Dombrowski career that with political will can be solved decision of the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine or by the decision of the court on unrelated charges to of land resources.

Technogenic deposits of Dombrowski career problem concerns not only the of accommodation the region is first and foremost nation-wide problem which poses a threat to of European scale. Such a problem can not be solved by the local self-government in terms of organizing of work and costs for it, but with the decentralization and local taxation position during its a positive decision, must return the area city forming function with a large number of jobs and an updated social infrastructure.

Project finance system, in accordance with the existing legislative framework promoting of the state and investment relies on the authority those of specialists, with the participation of which was established technogenic deposit has a long wasteful procedure can not be objective and effective in principle. Moreover, this system comes out of the provisions use of public funds or of state guarantees for their use. Neither the first nor the second the state now can not afford.

At the same time, we have the grounds for serious consideration by the project "Technology for processing of brines of natural and technogenic origin on the example of brines of Dombrowski career Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine" in the "International scientific-technological program "ECOLOGY – IT IS PROFITABLE". Project proposal is based on the a new combination of existing industrial technological processes and reveals the scheme cost-effective technologies for processing of brines, which in turn giving grounds for attracting international technology experts, holders of technological processes, the attraction of foreign of investment funds to the project in the amount of up to $ 500 million.

Carpathian has only 20 more potash deposits, which in principle and the practical confirmation of the new waste-free technologies will give a positive macroeconomic effect. Such deposits are many in Europe. For the same technology can be recycle and bischofite of the Poltava and Chernihiv regions. The global volume of feed is not particularly limited to this technology. It is important observe the principle of a single "ECOLOGY – IT IS PROFITABLE".

Despite the fact that the program "ECOLOGY – IT IS PROFITABLE" is a collective body, which brings together a sufficiently large number both national and foreign experts of science, technologies and manufacturers, enjoys respect and prestige of international partners and of specialists of science and industry, to develop and implement measures to address the environmental, economic and social problems of the industrial region of technogenic deposits of Dombrowski career Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine, on the basis and with the use of "On Public-Private Partnership" of the Law of Ukraine of 01.07.2010 № 2404-VI, ASK:

- Assign project "Recycling brines of natural and technogenic origin on the example of brines of Dombrowski career Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine" Program "ENVIRONMENT - it is profitable" (hereinafter - the Project "BRINES RECYCLING"), the parent organization for the development and implementation of measures to prevent of technogenic disaster recovery of the lost and the creation of new branches of production on the basis of Kalush-Golinskii of technogenic deposit of brines formed by dissolving the of potassium salt;

- Empower project "RECYCLING BRINES" powers referred to in the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which is attached to this letter.

Appendix: Draft Decrees the Cabinet of Ministers on the four (4) pages.


Programme Leader

"ECOLOGY – IT IS PROFITABLE" __________________ V.G. Petrochenkov

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