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Join us.Take part in the Program. The energy and ensure viability of new technological processes (EEV of NTP).
From 100% of waste that produces mankind, about 97% of wastes are wastes of production, and about 3% - to organic waste consumption.
With production wastes, we plan to cope thanks to the program launched «ECOPROFIT», thanks to the general consolidated efforts, starting with of introduction the starter pack technology and of project proposals of this document.
How much will be mankind, so will exist its waste consumption. With the growth of population the total volume of waste consumption will only increase.
Even when humanity will find and master new sources of energy and the consumption part of the waste to learn to use time and time again, the problem of the safe disposal of waste the consumption will remain. This means that when learning a safe waste-free method of waste disposal consumption, we get a reliable source of energy and "mature products" as a result of of primary processing of raw materials and base for the production of of consumer goods.
After some analysis methods of waste disposal consumption, we concluded that the usefulness of a comprehensive implementation of the supercritical water oxidation of hydrocarbons (SWOH), as the main component of consumption waste.
On this basis, we propose execution of a series of scientific and practical proposals. The general concept of SWOH. Environmental impact on environment, energy losses and income. Competitive environment. Market and its prospects. Ecological and technological assessment of directions SWOH. Development of initial data for the design and development of the reactor equipment of technological conversion (processes) SWOH:
………………… Collection and elaboration of initial data for the design of technology SWOH in general.