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16. Opportunities and prospects.

Goods produced on the items listed technologies - industry base in any country.

Global technological change to a less expensive and non-waste technologies will principled strategic importance for the fate of people, both in the short and long term.

The harmonious combination of the principles of energy saving, waste-free and positive social orientation provide a basis for a reasonable coexistence of nature and civilization.

Primacy in the market production technologies "mature products" will give an economic advantage of strategic importance.

Thus, the work on implementation of technologies should have complex character taking into account all intersecting links both in production and in the economy.

Systematic approach to the problem of technology adoption with exit to large volumes of production, as technological equipment and a huge gamma of commercial products, gives grounds to a significant and stable funding.

Systematization of knowledge about the methods of education technological deposits, methods of eliminate their transfer into the category of raw material base, the justification of new technologies that have no of waste production, and consequently the foci of emergencies and man-made disasters - Initial task of the new direction of creating a harmonious society.

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