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6. Recycling brines.

Accurate inventories of raw materials, abandoned quarry and tailings dumps are not defined, but a minimal amount of brines formed for a period of 20 years at the rate of arrival of atmospheric precipitation up to 1.5 million m3 per year, taking into account existing brines can be from 50 ml. m3. Redissolving remainder breeds brine volume can be increased to 200 million m3. Further calculations were made based on the minimum amount of 50 million m3.

Calculations indicate the likely cost of production expediency of mastering production aggregate. We have adopted the conventional division of the production: the beginning of development - from the head of an experienced Aggregate and ten aggregates A0-A10, 250 thousand m3 per year performance each, or 8,000 working hours - 31.25 m3/hr.

Such a scheme would work quality equipment and commercial products, to achieve greater economic effect.

After working off the raw material base and conservation career aggregate composition of production will allow to make his conversion to transfer each aggregates at the new place of operation.

One of economically justified options for the processing of 2.5 million m3 per year brine production is 29.74 million tons (about 1.49 million tons per year) of commercial products, including:

- MgCO3 - 3 million tons (about 0.15 million tons per year);

- K2SO4 - 4,74 million tons (about 0.24 million tons per year);

- Na2CO3 - 8,8 million tons (about 0.44 million tons per year);

- CaCl2 - 13,2 million tons (about 0.66 million tons per year).

Supply of raw materials for the production of 13.6 million tons (about 0.69 million tons per year), including:

- KCl - 1,7 million tons (about 0.09 million tons per year);

- CaCO3 - 11,9 million tons (about 0.6 million tons per year).

In this case, if the neighboring magnesium plants need to start production of magnesium metal production capacity of 43.2 tons per year (0.86 million tones over 20 years) and deliver him magnesium chloride process is easily readjusted for manufacture instead of magnesium carbonate magnesium chloride proportional to 3 million tons of raw material supply reduction - calcium carbonate and a decrease of 3.39 million tons of calcium chloride production.

In the case of overproduction of calcium chloride, it is advisable to consider options for chlorine production, and from it - chloride, polyethylene and other calcium compounds.

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