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5. Justification of the need recycling brines.

Large area of career (over 180 hectares) and tailing dumps (about 100 ha) does not allow them to protect canopy receipts atmospheric precipitation and subsequent overflow.

Continuous construction of dams greater heights - expensive and unpromising thoughtless way.

Falling asleep dissolved rocks problematic and expensive, at least for Dombrowski career, due to the nature of its slope, topography, depth and other morphological features. Similar problems also present during cultivation in special salt ponds of algae and bacteria.

Western Ukraine and Belarus do not have the soda production enterprises.

If on the basis of free materials - brine Dombrowski career organize processing brine to obtain soda ash, then this product will be in demand. Cost price production of soda and by-products produced during the processing of the brine waste technology to JSC «SBI» will be produced following the Solvay soda technology.

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