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17. Costs and payback. initial data.

The planned performance brines - 2.5 million m3 per year, or 312.5 m3/hr at 8000 hours per year.

Composition of construction aggregate production is: A0 - head prototype and 10 aggregates A1-A10 performance by 31.25 m3 each.

Planned production revenue $ 508 million. / Year, one unit - $ 50.8 million. / Year.


2.5 million m3 of brine, including about 0.805 million tons of salts in the composition of brine;

- to 0.69 million tons of additional resources;

- to 1.495 million tones of salable products.

There is a possibility of reducing the supply of raw materials and the corresponding additional reduction of yield production.

Expedient engineering support and infrastructure (energy supply, transportation, communications, water and sanitation, brine and other hardware) to build initially at full production capacity.

Approximate expenses for engineering support and infrastructure properties amounted approximately $ 66.68 million of them to start the first production of aggregates A0 need to master about $ 25.88 million.

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