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2. The origin of the program "WIND OF CHANGE" of the Project 02160.

In the distant 1989 during of reducing military orders for the company's shipbuilding industry of the USSR there was a problem of employment specialists, and support for the industry.

Leading a group of enthusiasts has been proposed the idea of creating a new sub-sector of shipbuilding - small shipbuilding.

Implementation of began with the idea of creating a joint venture with the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR - "The Center of Yachts Building of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry of USSR".

To start work the Ministry of Information Center of the letter has provided promote allocating guarantees of funds of industrial areas companies southern and northern groups of shipyards. Subsequently, the Youth Committee under the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has prepared a draft law to support the creation of a new program "WIND OF CHANGE" of construction training fleet in the squares and factories Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry allocating of adequate funding. Before the collapse of USSR funds to the center have not arrived, but the state support and the range of activities of state bodies, have allowed use credit financing and deploy a work on implementation of the Program.

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