We would welcome your help in editing English pages on our site.
Join us.Take part in the Program.
A PUBLIC, connection and bilateral
The Program
is represented by its head on the site pages declares the conditions of work Programs,
policies representation of interests, co-operation and confidentiality.
definition, the existing legislation for the Program and the participants crowdinvesting
a cash contribution of the Program are based on the principle of public
contracts and a contract of adhesion for which the obligations
published on site pages, can not be changed by the applicant (the Program) and
the persons who have joined (donate money) Program is not may change the terms
of its contribution unilaterally.
When an act
crowdinvesting a
material (but not money) or intangible assets to the Foundation Program, performing
of contract work, employment, Project and / or technical and scientific
participation of major investments, tangible and / or intangible assets that
require specific cooperation , rights and obligations, conditions of
participation are the subject of bilateral contractual relations of the Parties
to the Program.
of the method of participation in the Program, Program Manager registers each
person as a member of Program under this person declared name, username and /
or password, the other (by the participant) identifying information.
To previous
Join us.Take part in the Program.
We would welcome your help in editing English pages
on our site.