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3. Waste-free production of soda ash.

In the world produces 85% (about 42 million. t. per year) Solvay soda ash method in which for every tonne of soda is made 10 m3 of liquid waste tons of solid and gaseous wastes. Production cumbersome and complex, enterprises - giants to be placed Locations subject to possible waste disposal. The technology requires periodic shutdowns for cleaning equipment.

For example, the Crimean Soda Plant, which produces more than 600 thousand tons of ash per year (about 1.5% of world production), sludge depositories has a 10% calcium chloride, which occupies an area of the city.

We offer new wasteless technologies, in which:

- Lime production is eliminated completely;

- Costs of fuel for the production of lime are eliminated;

- Waste lime trivia are eliminated;

- Gaseous waste of kilns limestone liquidated;

- Liquid wastes liquidated CaCl2;

- NaCl using a fully;

- A new process of manufacturing costs less than $ 50 per ton of ash.

The technology will allow to build the production of small and medium power, placing them near a source of soda consumption and / or utilization of carbon dioxide. For example, the production of glass, in which carbon dioxide is consumed raw materials (soda), and then vented to the atmosphere. Technology will make associated the product and increase profitability by hundreds of dollars for each ton of produced soda without saving logistics, environmental efficiency, earn an income integrated production of a higher level exchange trading and so on.

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