We would welcome your help in editing English pages on our site.
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21. List of the costs of projects.
Indicative list of start-up costs of the first
aggregates A0 is:
- The collection of baseline data for the
- Development of baseline data for the project;
- Development of those;
development and coordination of project
- Reimbursement of expenses of third parties
the acquisition of property;
payment on the license;
payment support copyright works;
- Overhead charge of the administrative
apparatus, protection and organization of work;
- The content of the material and technical
basis for the period of Object;
- Manufacturing, installation, commissioning,
start-up in production of A0;
- General building design and repair work on
the development of industrial premises primary purpose;
- Build administrative and residential
- Construction of repair facilities;
- Construction of motor transport service;
- Restoration of railways;
- Electricity supply;
- Energy supply;
- Water supply and sewerage;
- The construction of driveways, roads,
transport interchanges, terminals handling; - Construction of warehouses and logistics for raw commodity products;
- Deposit feedstocks run production;
- Design, fabrication, installation and
commissioning of equipment;
- Coordination of project estimates and
operational documentation;
- technical and vocational training workers.
Join us.Take part in the Program.
We would welcome your help in editing English pages on our site.