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8. Indicators of the cost of construction of vessels.
The initiative development
"Marlin 5500" project was launched by the Centre ship in 1990.
Technical project 02160, the calculation of labor intensity and cost of the
work was made in
The technical design is made in the
amount of the technical design 02160.360060.001 Sheets of TP documentation (58
The document "vessel cost
(approximate calculation) 02160.360060.011 PP" (179 pp.) determined the
main economic parameters of construction training ships series. Growth in the
value of vessels defined in the calculations, compared to 1990 is due to
additional costs:
- Improving of regulatory margin to
25% (almost twice);
- The growth of payments to social
insurance to 37% instead of 18.2%;
- The introduction a the new
commercial in September 1990 rate coating import deliveries of;
- The introduction a 5% deduction
from cost price of to create a of centralized fund Of scientific-research and
development work;
- The rise in prices and tariffs
from 01.01.1991 y .;
- Increased costs due to increased
tonnage vessel.
Cost of purchased foreign production
is calculated in US dollars. We fully understand that the USSR rubles no longer
exists, purchased foreign production should already be substituted and have new
value, but 1991 calculations indicate the range and proportion, the time
required, which can be for a new assessed and taken into account. It is
important to understand that the material settlement of technological process
the corps is the base, and it can be relatively easy to be adapted to the norms
of modern construction and the cost of using the of transferable table, the cost
of standard-time of technological operations, materials and equipment. In any
event, such a check and correction of the value of the product is always
shipbuilding plant and is the basis of the analysis of the order to the signing
the contract for the construction of the vessel.
The planned 1990 indicators, the
construction of ships Series: the main thing - the training ship; 3 cruise

* The technical design of the main
vessel worth 550 thousand. Rubles have already been executed by the Center
yacht building "Sailex" and is its contribution to the project, but
it needs to be tested, adaptation and interpretation of modern design
conditions. Therefore, in these works is allocated additional time in the
amount of three months and funds in the amount of about $ 30 thousand.
** Maintenance and supervision of
the the lead vessel and the first vessel of the series
considered as part of the technical work and working design of 3% of the cost
of building ships.
In the course of time and the
economic situation of the cost of materials and components, currency costs
changed significantly.
In modern conditions shipbuilding
large part working design is given to the factory Central Design Bureau. Given
this norm, detailed design has not been to the final determination of the plant
- the contractor.
Designing on the plan is carried out
in parallel with the construction of ships. Shipbuilding carried a series of
parallel downloading of all technological areas. This procedure determines the
total Project completion period not as a sum of terms of works for each vessel,
but as a term of technological process, composed of serial and parallel operations.
In our case, such period shall be calculated Factory - by the contractor and be
about 3-4 years.
Design of the main training ship
conducted during large changes. Began designing, when the US dollar was worth
0.67 rubles.
In November 1990, Gorbachev's decree
was introduced commercial dollar exchange rate, which stood at 1.8 rubles per
US dollar.
In April 1991 Currency Exchange
State Bank
Cost of works and services in
According to the document
"vessel Cost of (approximate calculation) 02160.360060.011 P P 'wholesale
price and the full cost price for a series of vessels is set at:
- of the leading ship - 19010 (15 208.7) thousand rubles;
- 2nd - 13 690 (10 952.3) thousand
- 3rd - 13 280 (10 624.6) thousand rubles;
- 4th - 13010 (10 408.4) thousand rubles.
Alternative calculations showed the possibility of
building the ship at his own expense for the amount of approximately $ 5
million, at the time when the $ 15 million might be the
smallest market price.
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