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14. Soda ash in glass production


1. Analysis … - 21. Conclusions …

1. Analysis of the facility. Profit. Cost.

2. Analysis of the facility.

3. Diagram. Operating mode.

4. Components. Value. Performance.

5. Volume. Price. The main costs.

6. Structure of production costs.

7. Suppliers. Sales. Waste.

8. Loss of raw materials during calcinations.

9. Gas conversions.

10. Nitrogen release. Conclusion on ecology.

11. A brief analysis of the market.

12. World market. Gas emissions.

13. Conclusions and recommendations.

14. Performance evaluation.

15. Projects cost estimate.

16. Crediting and earnings.

17. Production development plan.

18. Costs for design and implementation.

19. Return on investment without modernization.

20. Return on investment with modernization.

21. Investment return analysis - conclusions.

22. Features of new technology.

23. Classical production of soda by Splvay method.

24. Diagram of manufacturing process.

25. Example: JSC "Crimean Soda Plant".

26. Input-output performance indicators for the unit generating 225 thousand tons per year.

27. Diagram of the Solvay method.

28. Production without lime.

29. Production without carbonation and ammonization columns.

30. Input-output unit for the new production line.

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