We propose the introduction of the International Scientific and Technological Program "ECOLOGY IS PROFITABLE" (ECOPROFIT), and as a special case, including - cleaning the air of the Earth's atmosphere from excess carbon dioxide.
We propose to start the Program from the first among the numerous examples of the Program:
Project "Waste-free production of soda ash by the BDP method".
Reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by about 24 million tons or about 12,245 km3 per year.
Author and Manager of the Program and Projects,
co-author of technologies,
head of the board
Consumer society "PEOPLE'S COOPERATION" and
Charitable Society "RESOURCE FUND"
_____________________ Petrochenkov Valentin Georgievich
"Any new technology is a new target function with a new superposition of already existing technological conversions and new communication protocols between them."
Under the same law, we have registered more than 100 patents and received world priority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) procedure for waste-free technologies for the primary processing of raw materials into intermediate commodity products (mineral fertilizers, titanium dioxide, manganese, alumina, chlorine gas, soda ash and etc. ...) and the conversion of industrial waste into a secondary raw material base. After systematizing half of the patents and combining them into a single complex method, which gives more than 87 billion (14!) combinations of solving equations (technologies), we stopped patenting.
Primary processing of raw materials is a production stage, without which civilization does not exist. This is all that surrounds us.
It is at this stage that 97% of the world's waste is generated and only 3% is generated at the consumption stage, which the media are so worried about.
We not only know how to save humanity from production and consumption waste, but also how to very quickly get additional profits of the macroeconomic level.
New technologies eliminate solid, liquid and gaseous waste, significantly reduce energy costs and metal consumption, logistics costs, and allow not to operate giant factories, but to produce a product at the place of its consumption in small and medium-sized factories.
We have created the “International Scientific and Technological Program “ECOLOGY IS PROFITABLE”, have begun negotiations on the implementation of the first two projects, and we need funds for this.
The main principle of the Program is the international cooperation of the owners of technological conversions, who will have an additional great benefit from such cooperation. Many technological redistributions in different technologies are repeated. This allows you to launch not a sequential, but a parallel implementation process around the world. None of the owners of technological redistributions refuse new orders and additional earnings. We have found a way to combine the benefits of nature and humanity with the passion of producers to generate large incomes.
The amount of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere is determined by the level of the industrial potential of society, the number of which is rapidly increasing. The construction of additional facilities for the purification of atmospheric air will add a load on the environment and move us away from solving the main task - to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air.
There is no need to remove carbon dioxide from the air, you just need to return it from production to the environment in the natural proportion of gases, or that proportion that will restore the natural proportion of air gases.
Unfortunately, most of humanity is driven by greed. And only in the case when we learn to combine greed with benefits for nature, we will save humanity. Otherwise, no.
The solution to the general problem is a model constructor (puzzle) from fragments already existing in the industry - technological redistributions. It is being solved, and not so difficult, by means of scientific and technological cooperation. We just need a systematic approach at a global level, the will of financial leaders and society.
Soda ash is mainly produced in three ways.
1. From natural raw materials - thrones.
From the point of view of air ecology, not everything is great, because during the calcination process carbon dioxide is released, which should be collected and used in other industries.
2. Method "Hou's" (Hou Debang). The main manufacturer is China. The raw materials for production are: salt NaCl, ammonia NH3 and carbon dioxide CO2. The products are: soda ash Na2CO3 and mineral fertilizer NH4Cl.
From the point of view of air ecology, everything is great:
The air is depleted in nitrogen N2 in the production of ammonia NH3.
The air does not change the concentration of carbon dioxide CO2; moreover, it can be purified from carbon dioxide.
Ammonium chloride is a fertilizer for growing rice. But, the need for rice is limited, and soda ash needs much more produced by China for its own needs. And therefore, the rest of the world settled on the following ammonia method for the production of soda ash.
3. The "Solve" method. This method produces about 40 million tons of soda ash. The raw materials for production are: salt NaCl and chalk CaCO3. The product is soda ash Na2CO3. Ammonia NH3 is a technological intermediary in the production turnover.
The production has technological conversions: the production of milk of lime and the processing of ammonium chloride for production waste 10% solution of calcium chloride with impurities. This liquid waste is generated from 8-10 m3 for each ton of soda ash production. It has to be collected in huge sludge storage facilities, or dumped into the seas and oceans.
Disadvantages of the method.
Lime production has its own waste:
- dry and gaseous waste - coal combustion waste, incl. and carbon dioxide;
- carbon dioxide after chalk firing;
- lime fines.
If the 10th solution of calcium chloride from the waste is converted into a commercial product, then additional heating power will be required, which will be accompanied by additional emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
The technology patenting has confirmed the world priority. The method is to be implemented through the cooperation of the world's leading companies for the introduction of each of them its own technological redistribution, as part of a new industrial technology.
In this method, ammonia is a technological intermediary.
There is no lime production, associated energy costs and waste.
An additional commercial product, calcium chloride CaCl2, is produced.
The method has additional income.
The method does not produce waste, does not require storage and maintenance for them.
The method significantly reduces energy costs.
The method significantly reduces the metal consumption of production.
The method significantly reduces logistics costs.
The method allows avoiding the construction of giant enterprises and producing soda ash at the place of its application. For example - in the production of glass.
Replacing the production of soda ash about 40 million tons per year by the Solve method with the BDP method will reduce CO2 emissions by 0.6 tons per ton of soda.
The reduction in annual CO2 emissions will be about 24 million tons, or at a density of 1.96 kg / m3 - about 12,245 km3.
At the same time, production will receive incomes of the macroeconomic level.
1. The destruction of the air of the Earth's atmosphere is carried out by industrial production.
2. If you create an additional specialized industry for air purification by direct intake from the atmosphere, this will entail huge additional costs of energy, materials and labor. Success seems to be rather dubious.
3. To bring the ecology back to normal and, in particular, atmospheric air, it is necessary to use the basic principle of the «ECOPROFIT» Program, namely: the costs of environmental activities should bring additional income to investors.
4. It is necessary to use new industrial technologies of the «ECOPROFIT» Program, and in particular, for the production of soda ash - the waste-free BDP Method. This will make it possible to get rid of significant energy costs, production waste and, first of all, carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
5. At the output of power plants of production, it is necessary to install gas separators and produce ammonia mineral fertilizer - ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3, or carbon, and from it - a lot of technological intermediaries and construction materials.
6. Additional option: increasing the production of soda ash by the Chinese method "Hou's", using ammonium chloride according to the technology of processing inorganic chlorides of the «ECOPROFIT» Program with the further use of associated practically free chlorine gas for the new mass production of structural materials from chlorinated polyethylene.
7. It is advisable to gasify organic waste of production and consumption, burn it safely or return it to the soil after disinfection, while maintaining the balance of the composition of the air used and returned to the atmosphere.
This will allow:
- use synthesis gas and hydrogen in the turnover of industry and utilities, significantly reducing gas production;
- to control the quality of the output of gases from production and the supply of energy to the utilities;
- to receive an additional marketable product, recouping environmental costs and receiving additional income;
- to achieve a gradual return of the air of the Earth's atmosphere to its natural quality.
8. Examples of economic feasibility:
8.1. The annual additional production of calcium chloride in the soda plant could generate about $ 14 billion in revenue.
8.2. Annual additional production of ammonium carbonate in the glass industry (item "GLASS AND AIR") can provide additional income of about $ 32 billion. This will provide fertilizer for about 25% of the agricultural land of the Earth. In turn, widespread gardening will also help restore the atmospheric air of the Earth.
Author and Manager of the Program and Projects,
co-author of technologies,
head of the board
Consumer society "PEOPLE'S COOPERATION" and
Charitable Society "RESOURCE FUND"
_____________________ Petrochenkov Valentin Georgievich